Web Design Samples > National Music, Inc.*
This was an interesting Site. The Client had no real logo other than an ancient piece of clip-art existing only on a ragged
business card and an equally ancient store-front sign. We were able to scan in the "logo" and clean it up. We recreated the
store-front sign for the Website and added a brick background to give the Website the charm of the actual Store.
Main Page:

For the Secondary Pages we continued the store-front theme. We even incorporated a photo of the actual store-front awning
in the Page header!
Secondary Page:

Here's an alternate design which was presented to the Client. They obviously chose the other design, but we had fun with this one, and thought
we would include it here.

Visit NationalMusicInc.com
*Please note: This Website is not maintained by Birch Blaze and may have undergone changes since it was first launched
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