Web Design Samples > National Music, Inc.*

  This was an interesting Site. The Client had no real logo other than an ancient piece of clip-art existing only on a ragged business card and an equally ancient store-front sign. We were able to scan in the "logo" and clean it up. We recreated the store-front sign for the Website and added a brick background to give the Website the charm of the actual Store.

Main Page:

National Music, Inc. - Massachusetts web design

  For the Secondary Pages we continued the store-front theme. We even incorporated a photo of the actual store-front awning in the Page header!

Secondary Page:

National Music, Inc. - Massachusetts web design

Here's an alternate design which was presented to the Client. They obviously chose the other design, but we had fun with this one, and thought we would include it here.

National Music, Inc. - Massachusetts web design

Visit NationalMusicInc.com

*Please note: This Website is not maintained by Birch Blaze and may have undergone changes since it was first launched

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